A 28-year-old woman named Monika Falcik resides in Vilnius, the nation of Lithuania's capital. She holds a degree in Spanish philology, but she considers making things to be her main gift.
A few years ago, she began her artistic makeup journey.
She claims that applying cosmetics is her passion and experiences a sense of timelessness. When she applies makeup, she notices someone else is staring back at her in the mirror. Even though it's still her, she has the impression that someone else is also present.
Monika finds it daunting and exhilarating that she can apply makeup to change into a completely different person in just a few hours.
She says, "I create when I'm happy and so glad when I'm producing. I wish there were no end to this cycle.
View a few of her stunning Halloween face makeup creations by scrolling down.
More Info & Images Credit - Monica Falcik