Kirby and the famous model Kendall Jenner have a special friendship because they are twins. But it's a little bit...not quite right since it only exists in pictures. Kirby Jenner has been putting himself in Kendall's photos in a funny way for a few years, and he just got a million Instagram followers because of it.
"Kendall is my older twin sister. She and I have an unbreakable bond and epic goals for our squad. Mom says we're like Siegfried and Roy, but with even more magic tricks and fewer tiger attacks, "Bored Panda was told by Kirby. "I look up to Kendall, to be honest. She does a lot for the family, recycles all her bottles and cans, and even has a beautiful singing voice (baritone). She also backs my failed businesses and crazy ideas. We're considering starting a microwave business like "Pimp My Ride," but with microwaves. It could make for a great tv program.
"People always ask me about photoshopped pictures, but I still need to figure out what they are. My friend Ziti is the most computer-savvy person I know, so I asked him to explain it. It was so confusing that it made my stomach hurt. But what could I tell you? Microsoft Paint, you idiots. First, I start a new document. Then I use the pencil tool to draw something like a giraffe, a bird, or a sword. Sometimes I doodle. Then I fill in different colours with the paint bucket. The Stamp tool is also there, but I need to figure out what it does. Then I have Kim help print it out on my mom's printer/scanner combo and give it to my friends."
They go together hand in hand. I mean, they walk the red carpet together, and they even eat pizza together. And if you didn't know that Kirby is just a Kardashian fan who can edit photos like a god, you might believe his lies. Innocent and fun little lies.
To see the pictures, scroll down!
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