Designers from 18 different countries were asked to edit an image to reflect the beauty standards in their own countries

The saying goes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But there are also unwritten rules about beauty that vary from country to country. Most people agree that what's beautiful in one part of the world might not be pleasant in another. This adds to the variety of things around the world. But there's another side: it makes people live up to some pretty high standards. Superdrug Online Doctor experimented with showing this by taking a closer look at what people think is beautiful in different countries and seeing how they compare to each other. "Because what people think is beautiful can vary a lot from place to place, our study of the ideal body image tried to compare as many different points of view as possible."




To find out how people in different parts of the world see beauty, the site called 18 graphic designers and gave each of them a unique picture of a girl. The goal was for those artists to make a new version of the image that fit the local beauty standards. Superdrug Online Doctor said that how people think about beauty and perfection can have a profound and long-lasting effect on both women and men. " goal of the project is to learn more about beauty pressures that might be too high and to see how they vary worldwide."




The original plan was to have female graphic artists edit the picture to understand better what women in their culture find attractive and "to understand more about the pressures they face." But the list of partner designers was changed to include four guys, who had to ask women for feedback and change the picture based on what they said.




Sometimes, the result makes the picture almost impossible to recognize. Some countries in North and South America like women to have an exaggerated hourglass shape, which gives an unrealistic view of women. On the other hand, some countries in Europe and Asia like women to be fragile and small, which can sometimes be harmful. Superdrug Online Doctor said they want to make the study bigger and that they might include guys next time as well.










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