15 cases when people decided to dye their own hair, but in the end, it did not end well

A lot of the services that help us look good and stay that way are also great at making us look bad. People often decide to save money by making their beauty salons at home. Today, we're going to show you examples of people who refused to go to the hairdresser and instead dyed their hair. And everything would be great if there was only one BUT: something didn't go as planned for each of them at some point.

“Thanks to social networks for reminding me of the time when I accidentally dyed my hair the colour of tangerines and then also dressed like this fruit mesh.”

“It’s better to shave your head than all this.”

“The same case when the bottom of a bottle of paint turned out to have a hole.”

“I will sue the manufacturer who labelled this box of hair dye as DARK BROWN.”

Dark blue, you say?

“Every time I dye my hair, I manage to get dye all over my hands.”

A little face paint doesn't hurt either!

The main thing is to stay positive even in the most desperate situation!

“Are you kidding me? How did the brown dye on my hair suddenly turn blue?

"Now call me Carrie"

This is what happens if you dye your hair without gloves.

“Girls, remember! NEVER dye your hair before going on a hike."

“Can someone explain to me how my brown hair turned black after I dyed it red?”

Like a scene from a horror movie

“My first workout after dyeing my hair. It’s good that I didn’t go to the gym!”


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