Welcome to the world of filters, where how you look is all that matters, and everything else doesn't matter. Even though there are many cases, social media is still known for encouraging and praising vanity, whether by boosting your ego or making others (and yourself) feel bad.
But sometimes, even Instagram can't handle it. Some people airbrush and edit their pictures way beyond what is expected, and the effect is unnatural. The subreddit "Instagram Reality" is pointing out this by posting photos of celebrities who go too far with editing.
1. I like this
2. Why would someone do that? The original is already beautiful.
3. Even Judas didn't betray Jesus as much as that mirror did.
4. I had forgotten what she looked like in real life
5. Met through a dating app
6. She's the greatest. All of these photos are ones she posted herself on her Story or Instagram feed. She's pretty, sure of herself, and funny.
7. Don't Be Afraid To Age Folks
8. The Power of Filters: It Doesn't Have to Be So Obvious All the Time
9. Still Another
10. Stretching out some actual muscles
11. The news organization that changed the picture on the left should be ashamed.
12. I saw this while looking through a dating app.
13. His jawline is 100% real and hasn't been changed in any way.
14. think how surprised you'll be the first time you see her without all that makeup, filters, and editing.
15. She says that she doesn't change her photos.
16. The scary bird feet initially scared me, but the longer you look, the more difficult it gets.
17. How is this even allowed?
18. Her Poor Friend
19. Same Day. Insta vs Pap Picture
20. At least she knows herself...?
21. When a friend of yours edits the entire group
22. Is it just me, or does his head seem too small?
23. Found It! — He says he's 31 and shows off fake watches and cars he doesn't own.
24. She vehemently denies that she filters her photos on every post.
25. She was criticized for using heavy filters, and her answer was interesting.
26. She uses the Teen Filter so often that she thinks she looks like this.
27. As part of a vast clothing campaign, it was posted...how could such a big label not have enough money for sound editing? She Has Slender Man Fingers!
28. She's 81, Guys... I'm at a loss for words.
29. Found in the Wild: What Happens When You Forget to Edit Your Husband
30. Pity her poor hips—they must have fallen off in her tagged photo.