Raise your hand if someone has ever called you. "Girl! You are crazy." Don't be shy. Come on! You're not the only one. At some point in their lives, others have also been there.
Sometimes, girls can, Oh no! They often need help to guess. They do some weird and strange things. Things like being rude and angry with men who treat them as well as they can or saying "no" when they mean "yes" and "yes" when they mean "no." On top of that, most girls don't even know themselves. They have strong feelings, move around a lot, and can sometimes be stupid. You might think we're being too harsh, but hear us out. We have pictures to prove how horrible our argument is!
Here are 30 pictures of crazy things that girls do that are hard to understand. Scroll down, people, and have fun! Remember to send this post to all of the women you know so you can all laugh together.
Looks fishy.