I'm a photographer, and my name is Slava. Photography is my first love, and mushrooms are my second. I am an avid mushroom hunter. My father was the who got me interested in mushrooms and photography.
Just picture a warm summer morning around 5:30 a.m. You are in a beautiful forest. Peace is all around you. The forest then wakes up. First came the trills of birds, then the croaks of frogs, and then the knock of a woodpecker. I feel pure joy and happiness because I am lucky to see nature as a unique, dreamlike world.
Early in the morning, when I'm between dreams and reality, looking through the viewfinder of my camera makes me feel like I'm in a beautiful and mysterious place. These Little Heroes look like they came from another world. Even simple mushrooms have shapes that are elegant and delicate. I want to take you on a fun trip with me and my camera to see a new world of mushrooms.
More Info & Images Credit - vmishchenko.com / Facebook