People asked Photoshoppers to process their photos with humour, and they had a blast.

When we edit pictures, we all make mistakes from time to time. But sometimes, you need something that doesn't fit the standard filters. Master Photoshop users save the day with a graphic editor, a lot of skill, and a good sense of fun. And you are fortunate if you happen to meet such a master.

Below, you can see the changes people on the internet made to the pictures of these jerks. Look and laugh!


Vroom, vroom!

I'm like Beckham, my dear

Hello to no one

Everything for you!

One, two, cut my hair! Three, four, five, remember to trim your temples!

Hello earthlings

Body swap

Queen of Tails

Go ahead, Roach!

Where in the world?!

300 years ago

Don't be afraid! It won't hurt!

Strong and independent filly

another side of the moon

Andrey Yar

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