Have you seen how much imagination people have grown because of the lockdown? Brains came up with their best ideas while people were trying to beat boredom. Read our post today about art inspired by lockdowns instead of trying to figure this out.
Every kind of creativity, from the best fine arts and movies to the best buildings and fashion, gets its ideas from nature. It's possible that the shutdown didn't work, but it did bring us closer to nature. At least it changed how Jill Scherman felt about nature, as her Instagram account, Fashion Biologique, shows.
Here are some of Jill's interests: She has this account where she talks about her best designer clothes and how they look like different natural things. It's been easy for her to do so, thanks to her personality and ability to remember patterns and rules.
Before she started this project, Jill had been writing a blog called Trend de la Creme for many years that compared different kinds of nature. Some clothes are inspired by nature, specifically animals, plants, and herbal occurrences. Other clothes may be a freak accident.
We're too shocked by how much they're alike to think it's just a coincidence. The pictures in this post show that our love of fashion and nature are linked and tell us to care for the things we love. Look at the pictures and think about how you can be more friendly to nature and the earth we live on all the time.
More Info & Images Credit - Instagram