Taking pictures is something that people do all the time these days. It's hard to imagine a world where people only sometimes take photos with their phones or brand-new cameras. We don't notice what's so special about it anymore because it's so easy and expected to do. Because, after all, it's magical: when you hear that click, time stops for a little while, and you can keep that moment forever. Sometimes, the special moment you catch on camera has something off that needs to be explained.
We found all of these special moments that were taken without much thought all over the world. This led to something so strange. Look at these pictures and figure out what's going on for yourself.
1. "When I took a picture of my garden, the concrete wall turned into a lake by accident."
2. "Eat your vegetables or you may shrink!"
3. "Penguin without a head."
4. "What's with that huge dog bed in the backyard?"
5. "As I leave my office at night, I am startled by the reflection of the full-length painting next to my door in the window of the office across the hall. Always."
6. "There's no place to swim here."
7. "She has 'leg' and she knows how to use it!"
8. "I met this horse with two mouths."
9. "This is just another selfie with a top that floats."
10. "My cat looks like it has no head."
11. "This ripped dog-man."
12. "A huge parrot is attacking horses."
13. "Some very huge cats."
14. "What happened to her arm?"
15. "Have you ever tried to look at your hand with all your fingers lined up behind your thumb?"
16. "This man looks like he was photoshopped.
17. "Walking a dog with no head."
18. "There are too many hands."
19. "Donkey head that floats."