Ladies and gentlemen, The seatbelt sign has been turned on by the Internet Captain. Please put your snacks under the desk in front of you or a break room bin if you haven't already. Please sit down and put on your make-believe seat belt. Also, ensure your seat back, and any folding trays are up.
If you are sitting next to an emergency exit in your office, please read the special instructions card that isn't by your seat. If you don't want to do the things listed in case of an emergency, look at these funny pictures of people at airports instead. Please don't think too hard about these strange airport photos if you have any questions. Check out these funny airport photos.
1. I'd never thought of it that way before.
2. He didn't take his shoes off, though.
3. What's Up?
4. Pillow Talk
Photo: u/muricason / Reddit |
5. Getting Some Zs at the Airport
Photo: u/Shannon121 / Reddit |
6. Kiss Off
7. A Few Tired Travellers
8. Nun Of The Above
9. What Is In The Box?
10. We hope that this isn't the only pilot.
11. This old lady doesn't give a damn.
12. We think that Cookie Monster might be getting on this plane.
13. No one said it was easy to travel with young children.
14. This woman ensured she would keep her bags at the baggage claim.
15. As if having to wait in line wasn't already bad enough!
16. When these two people with similar interests ran into each other at an airport, they became fast friends.
17. We're getting hungry just looking at these cute sushi bags.
18. We need to find out who the stranger is: the man in a dress or the huge ticket he's holding.
19. A family decided to make their daughter feel bad by meeting her at school dressed as people from the village.
20. Just another hipster that I saw at a Seattle airport.
21. Someone checked in a stick instead of their luggage.
22. Have you been so tired that you had to stop, drop, and sleep?
23. "At the airport, my cousin met Victoria's Secret model. It was a great day to wear that shirt."
24. How to keep your babies entertained while you're in the airport
25. "Ma'am, you don't need to put your baby through the carry-on scanner."
26. There must be something good about sleeping this way that I don't know about.