Losing weight is just as hard on the mind as on the body. Jesse a Chinese photographer who is 32 years old, wants to lose weight but doesn't want to do it alone. So, he and his family have decided to do it together. During the six-month process, they helped each other so much that the before-and-after pictures looked unbelievable.
Everything started when Jesse's mom decided to stay with her son and his pregnant wife for a while to help her get used to being a mom. Jesse took this chance to invite his father, who ran a small bamboo factory then, so the four could get closer.
When the soon-to-be grandpa brought his drinking problem and beer belly with him, Jesse thought a weight loss program might help him regain his zest for life. At first, they started walking quickly, which turned into jogging over time. As they worked out more and more, they started going to the gym. They also kept track of the results by taking measurements of their bodies every ten days.
What was supposed to last from March 10 to September 30 turned into a way of life, and the family says they will keep up with their fitness plan. Jesse says that the most rewarding thing was seeing his father become more sure of himself.
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