You're invited to the beach, but you're still determining if you want to go. It could be fun to be out in the sun, but just thinking about how big the ocean makes you nervous. What might be out in the water? How deep is it? How far can you see in the water? Did you have to watch Jaws and eat too much during Shark Week? Congratulations! You might have Thalassophobia, which is a fear of the sea that is strong and lasts for a long time. This can be a fear of the ocean, of being in a large body of water, of the vast sea, or just of being too far from land.
People who have Thalassophobia have nothing to be embarrassed about. Do you feel bad? Scroll through the pictures below and vote for the ones that make you want to climb the highest mountain, go on that desert vacation you've been thinking about, or move to a landlocked state.
What makes you feel scared? Is it the big sea creatures, the murky water, or the ghostly shipwrecks? Dive into the scary depths of Thalassophobia and find out which pictures make people want to scream for dry land. Vote up the photos that are the scariest, unsettling, or just plain creepy.
1. Jump In; the Water's Warm!
2. After The Flood
3. The Surfer Found This Photo Later
4. Peekaboo
5. The Abyss Stares Back
6. Time For A Dip
7. Journey To The Center Of The Earth
8. A Sign In An Underwater Cave
9. Whatever You Do, Don't Look Up
10. I See You
11. Get Outta There
12. Something Touched My Leg
13. Even The Cops Aren't Safe
14. Meditate On Finding Dry Land
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15. What's That Back There?
16. Underwater Megastructure
17. The First Underwater Picture Ever Taken
18. Don't Wanna Live In This Yellow Submarine
19. A Propeller On The Queen Mary
20. The First Russian Submarine Able To Cruise Long Distances