Drawings have the power to let us enjoy them visually, and they also let us think about the meanings of the pictures in new ways, which gives us a lot of pleasure in our minds. Here are some brutally honest pictures by Austrian artist Gerhard Haderer, who has been making them for decades. They show why we still need to reach perfection.
People, especially the Catholic Church, talked about the artist's book, "The Life of Jesus," when he had to go to court because of it. In 2005, people in Greece saw this as an insult to religion, and the Greek Court found him guilty. After that, the story died out. He was given a six-month sentence that was put on hold. By an appeal, the wording was changed. After a few months, he was let go from the hospital.
He became more and more realistic as he worked as a cartoonist and an illustrator for different companies.
He got cancer in 1985, which meant he had to quit his job and become a satirical cartoonist.
Here are some of the Australian artist's cruel and honest drawings.