Memes are one of the most popular ways to talk to people. There are so many of these funny pictures on all social media sites that you can't avoid them. On the other hand, some are so funny that you can't help but share them with everyone else. I keep an album of some funniest memes that make me laugh out loud, just in case I'm having a bad day and need to make myself laugh.
Memes usually start with a funny character and a text that goes well with it. Even though the reader can change depending on what is going viral, the picture stays the same. Have you ever looked at a meme and thought about the people in it? What happened to them? How do they live? How did their pictures make them well-known on the Internet? And everything. Their faces are now immortalized in these popular memes, and no matter how much they've changed, they still look the same to us.
We could find some meme celebrities on the Internet and compare how they looked before and after. We also want to give you that list of pictures. So you can look at them in the picture gallery below. Please tell us which one of these characters is your favourite.
1. Success Kid (Sam Griner)
2. Disaster Girl (Zoe Roth)
3. Side-Eyeing Chloe (Chloe)
4. Harold Hiding The Pain (András Arató)
5. Bad Luck Brian (Kyle Craven)
6. Confused Nick Young (Nick Young)
7. Ridiculously Photogenic Guy (Zeddie Smith)
8. Blinking White Guy (Drew Scanlon)
9. Roll Safe (Kayode Ewumi)
10. Trying To Hold A Fart Next To A Cute Girl In Class (Michael McGee)
11. Aliens Are To Blame For Everything (Giorgio Tsoukalos)
12. Doge
13. Good Luck Charlie (Mia Talerico)
14. Grumpy Cat
15. First World Problems (Silvia Bottini)