Meet Nyakim Gatwech, an African American model with South Sudanese roots who wants to teach people not to be afraid of the dark. With her dark skin and strong will, the dark skin model is breaking the rules of traditional beauty and inspiring others to do the same.
The African model and fashion icon, who is 24 years old and lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has no shame about her dark skin and makes sure everyone knows it. "My chocolate is sophisticated. So that's what I stand for. "A nation of warriors," she wrote the caption for one of her Instagram photos, which usually get more than 10,000 likes each. In another, she talks about a time when an Uber driver told her she should try "bleaching" her skin, and all she could do was laugh. "You wouldn't believe the questions I get because I have dark skin."
Gatwech fights for diversity in the fashion industry, and she also speaks up for Black rights around the world. She has even been called "Queen of Darkness," a name she is happy to have." Love the skin you're in, no matter how dark or light it is" she said.
Scroll down to see the sultry clothes worn by the Queen of Dark.
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Nyakim Gatwech, who is 24 years old, is making waves in the fashion world with her beautiful dark skin.