It can be hard to accept that your hair is getting grey. Many people try to hide from the truth by dying their hair, but it can get old. That's why some women give up hair dye and love their grey hair instead.
Grombre calls itself a "global movement of women who like their hair natural and not dyed." The Instagram account tells the stories of women who stopped dying their hair, which may make you want to do the same. Martha Truslow Smith, who was 26 and wanted to talk about grey hair, started the movement. In an earlier interview with Bored Panda, Martha asked, "Is it true that my grey hair is ugly, makes me look old, and means I'm no longer good enough?" "I'm only twenty-five. If that's true, how will I feel and what will I think about myself when I'm in my 40s, 50s, or 60s?"
Martha wants to change how people see "beautiful," and we think she's doing a great job of it. So far, more than 139k people have followed the cause on Instagram, which is still growing. Read the inspiring stories of the women in the gallery below who accepted their natural hair.
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"My silver, to me, means embracing the ageing process. It's not for everyone, and that's okay. I have A LOT of silver and wanted to see what would happen if I stopped trying to hide it and instead used plant-based products to enhance it. That was almost two years ago, and my hair and confidence have never improved."
"When I was in seventh grade, my best friend grabbed the top of my head during a "break" in the school courtyard and said, "You have grey hair!" She called this my "unicorn hair," and as the year went on, more and more of it grew on my head, we watched.
By age 16, I had more unicorn hair than I could pull out or hide by changing my part, so I started colouring it every month. I did this for six years until sometime in 2015, when I started to think, what if I just let it go? What if I stopped spending so much money and time covering my grey and just LET IT GO?
I was initially unsure, but when my boyfriend and his lovely family found out I was thinking about going grey, they gave me the confidence boost I needed. Now I wish I had never started dying my hair in the first place.
I'm 27 years old and had a full head of grey hair for four years. The growing out stage could have been more comfortable, of course. I even interviewed at my current firm with half-grey, half-brown hair, thinking, "Please don't think I'm crazy." I can't count how many people stop me daily to talk about my hair – it is the ultimate icebreaker.
"Some people have black hair, some have blonde hair, and some are lucky enough to have white hair. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I get so upset when people say white hair is "old." I was only 15 years old when I started going grey like many other people here. It's not old; it's natural and beautiful.
"Name a better way to tell society to "suck it" than to embrace your natural self at the start of your 30s. Go ahead, I'll wait. Nine months into this transition and ignorance is real, so if you're in the same situation, use this time to educate those around you. Gray is a colour, not an age definition. Be you. Be authentic. Be bold.
"The last eight months haven't been easy. For those who think I'm wrong, I've been making fun of a system I don't know who came up with."
"From February to July, my roots were long, and I disliked my hair. It made me feel ugly because I thought it was ugly.
On the day of my hair appointment, I felt sick and wanted to cancel. I was having a hard time thinking, "I don't feel old enough for all this grey hair," and I hadn't had hair this long in a long time.
As soon as I walked into the salon, I asked the hairdresser where the bathroom was if I got sick. You should also know I was on the verge of tears all day.
I've struggled with my self-esteem and self-worth for a long time. It felt so different and free not to worry about colouring my hair again.
I got 22 inches of hair cut off that day, and I'll never look back. So many people have told me, "You look so much younger now," but they have no idea how hard it was for me to feel old enough to have so much grey hair.
"I got this gorgeous sliver of silver from my father, as it has been in our family for generations. In our family, people started going grey at age 18. I've struggled with hair dyes for years and changed colours as if I were ashamed of this beautiful gift. It doesn't help that some of my closest friends are hair stylists, but they let me mourn my father's death by not pressuring me to cover it.
"I was so happy when I found my first grey hair at age 11. Family history said that my great-great-grandfather had white hair at age 30 and was a man of myth and legend when I was young. In high school, I had white streaks in my hair, which earned me the nickname "Rogue." In my late twenties, the story changed. I was about to get married, and I didn't want my salt-and-pepper hair to overshadow me. I dyed it dark.
"I am a normal Turkish girl who has always had long black hair, but I am sick and tired of dying, so I shaved it all off one day. That's a great result: thanks for giving me hope."
"I started going grey at 19, but I always coloured my hair, mainly when I worked as a hairstylist in cosmetology school for six years. I've had every hair colour in the book. I used to tease my mother, who has naturally silver hair and has never coloured it, about it.
"It's been over a year and a half since I last dyed my hair, and I couldn't be happier with that decision! Leaving the stress, mess, and frustration of the endless dyeing cycle behind has been incredibly freeing. I love my hair. I have watched in fascination as the silver slowly weaves through the dark. But the process has been about so much more than hair. It's been about accepting this change—about accepting myself. It's been about connecting with amazing, supportive people.
"Two years ago, I wrote a piece for @allure about how to grow out grey hair. I did it for three months, but then I gave up and dyed my hair back to its "natural" dark brown colour to hide the grey for the next year and a half.
Then, when I was 43, I was told I had Stage 3 ovarian cancer. When my hair started falling out, I got a shortcut, and when it started falling out two weeks later, I shaved my head.
I had about six months of treatment, which included nine weeks of weekly chemotherapy, major surgery (hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and appendix removal), healing, and then nine more weeks of weekly chemotherapy.
I didn't mind being bald and liked my hair when it grew naturally. At some point during my treatment, I dreamed that my hair was long and dark again, and I thought, "Why did I do that? I like my short grey hair!" I finished my treatment in April and am now cancer-free. I plan to keep my hair its natural grey because I don't want to keep exposing myself to toxins every 4-6 weeks to cover the grey or feel self-conscious about my roots as they grow in
One of the hardest things about getting grey hair is that awful line where the grey starts and the rest ends. I learned that shaving your head is the best way to avoid that.
"When I was 16, my hair started to turn grey. At first, I tried to hide it by painting it, but I soon realized that my grey hair looked good, so I decided to keep it. It's what makes me stand out from the crowd. I'm proud of my grey hair, and when people ask where I got them to look so good, I tell them that nature did it for me.
"I got my first grey hair at the age of 9. I remember looking at those strange decoloured hairs in front of my parent's mirror at that age. So one day, I decided to make them disappear by cutting them off from the root, without knowing that a couple of days later, they would appear triumphant on my head again. Since that day, I knew those grey hairs would be there no matter what…I tried to cover them all my life, but when I started university, my grey hairs were notorious enough for me to decide to dye my hair for the first time. From that moment until March of this year, they were covered out of shame because of the fear of criticism, BUT NOT ANY MORE. I finally want to be FREE, I want to be honest with what I am, and I can't wait to see the real version of me. Nowadays, my grey hair has become my inner force, my rebel part, my proud side. And I'm sure that I couldn't start this new beginning without the example of all of you; every one of you was my inspiration to accept me as I am finally. Thank you all for being so brave…"
"My greys started showing up when I was in my late teens. It was a Mallon streak because my hair was jet-black everywhere else. Over time, it's blended in more with the rest of the greys. I've never dyed it to cover or hide it; the curls are natural. I'm so excited to see more and more silver sisters everywhere I go!"
"In 2012, I stopped colouring my hair and let my Pixie cut grow out. The grey is still coming in, but I like it. The grey started coming in when I was in my early 30s. Sometimes it's unruly, but with the right amount of wind, it looks like a flowing mane."
"For years, I had a hairstylist who always tried to talk me out of growing out my grey hair. I had to decide independently, and I could hear her voice in the back of my head telling me not to. That voice made it more complicated in the beginning. I always doubted myself and could hear her echo. Then I found Gaby. She's been with me for a few years, taming my mane. She supports my decision and makes me feel even more confident and beautiful.
"Growing old gracefully doesn't mean giving up on myself. I'm embracing the wildness and sass I've found with my grey hair. I also want to show my daughters that sometimes when we chase unrealistic beauty standards, we lose ourselves in the process. True beauty shines brighter when we learn to embrace who we are made to be!"
"My hair would turn grey when I was young, and I couldn't wait. When it did, when I was in high school, it did so in a unique way: a grey spot in the front centre of my head, but not a single grey hair anywhere else. I loved it!
Only two people in my family had grey hair like this before me: my grandfather and uncle. It was something that the three of us shared for a long time. I had inherited this gene. I wore it like a crown. I was proud to represent the third generation of Joneses, which was my mother's maiden name. To me, it was a badge of honour, it was natural, and it was beautiful. Hiding it wasn't an option.
Growing up, I was told that having grey hair was a sign of wisdom. Since I always felt like an old soul, I even embraced this idea and my hair more. Many men and women today applaud me for 'being brave enough' to embrace my grey. Bravery had nothing to do with it. My signature look connects me to my family.
I get compliments on my hair from both men and women. Women will say, "My hair looks just like yours, but I can't bring myself to wear it that way." I've noticed that more and more women are wearing their hair this way, even if they aren't naturally grey. Grey hair is currently "in", and many young women who aren't naturally grey are dying their hair grey to keep up with the trend.
"I stopped colouring my hair precisely two years ago. My hair was long, down to my waist. I was tired of pleasing people and couldn't deal with the burden. One day in early June, I decided to go Pixie with my locks. That took most of my colour away, and then I kept my Pixie until early this year. I've been happy and relaxed since I stopped colouring. I get the panic every 4-5 weeks.
"At first, I didn't know what to think as the silver slowly took over my head. I had been hiding my grey hair for the past 20 years, so it felt like I was seeing the real me for the first time in a long time.
But as I told myself day after day to just let it go and not go to the salon, something started to happen. Each silver strand that took its place made me love my hair even more. It was beautiful to see these pieces of sparkle in my hair, and it made me wonder why we have been taught for so long that we need to hide it. I love my grey hair now and can't imagine ever hiding it again. I also love that it can help other women let their sparkle shine.
In the end, it doesn't matter if you dye your hair or not. What matters is how you feel about it. I'm happy to be surrounded by other women who have ditched the colour and are proud to show off their shine and shimmer.
"I've had grey hair for as long as I can remember. When I was 13, I was plucking them out with tweezers. I was embarrassed and anxious between salon appointments; I felt like everyone was staring at the top of my head! Deciding to stop dying my hair was the most empowering decision I've ever made, and the best part is the message I'm sending to my children: I love myself as I am.
"I haven't used hair dye in 4 years! Natural is beautiful. It's been hard to accept my natural beauty. Sometimes I think I wouldn't look as old if I dyed my hair, but then I think, "No, it makes me a badass!"
"I have been growing it for four months and am starting to enjoy it now. I started to go grey at about 16 and have been dying it for over two decades. I'm unsure what urged, but I just went for it earlier this year. I had a bit of a wobble last month but stuck with it, and I am glad I did. This shot is the very first headshot of me with the new natural colour. I am an actress, and I'm curious to see if my casting opportunities will change due to the new hair colour."
"I decided to stop colouring my hair because I am an artist, and it always bothered me how the dye colours didn't work well with my eyebrows and skin. I thought I would be happier with nature's palette. I am happier with my appearance, but it surprised me to be rewarded with the learning process of growing out of the grey...patience, self-acceptance...questioning why I would ever feel that I should be ashamed of my natural self or my age."
"Now that I'm in my 30s, I'm finally ready to embrace the growing number of white hairs on my head. I didn't feel ready when I was younger, and I liked my rapidly changing hair colours and styles more. In my late 20s, I was sure I would never go natural again, thinking I had found my most natural-looking look. Now, I need to enjoy the changes up close and not hide the fact that getting older can be beautiful in so many ways.